Glacier Express train derails in Switzerland
ABOVE: A Glacier Express train in Switzerland.
Around noon on Saturday, July 24, several cars of a Glacier Express tourist train derailed in the Swiss canton of Wallis (Valais). At last report, one passenger was dead and more than 40 had minor to severe injuries.
Train accidents are rare in Switzerland, which has one of the best-maintained rail networks in the world. Until yesterday, the Glacier Express had been running between the Swiss resort towns of Zermatt and St. Moritz with little drama (other than the scenery) since the first Glacier Express trip in 1930.
For more about the accident, see:
World Radio Switzerland report (with audio by a reporter on the scene)
Sky News report (with crash photos and video)
To learn more about the panoramic train and its route, read our Glacier Express article at
Photo: Swiss Travel System.